Copy a Project
In this article we will learn to quickly copy a project as a good starting point to create a new project.
If you're not already on the projects screen, navigate there by clicking the projects heading in the top navigation bar as highlighted below.
Once on the project screen, right click the project you want to copy and select Copy Project from the pop up menu as the arrow points to below.
Now we will be taken into the new project you just copied. Note that the project name is now the previous project name with (copy) added to the end.
Lets navigate to the project info tab in the top right as highlighted below to change some of the relevant info such as project name.
Here we can update any of the main project info we need to reflect the new project we are creating.
Once you have everything updated as you need don't forget to hit the green save project button and check out some of the other tabs in case there is other info you may need to change in the Client, Invoice, Rate Table, or Personnel tabs.
You now have a good start for your new project and can modify any scope element, schedule, or budget as needed.